Fertility Guide – Your roadmap to the best infertility treatment for you and your partner

Fertility Guide

Do you want to start a family? Is the idea of having children something that’s important to you? If so, it can be difficult knowing what your options are when it comes to infertility treatment. It’s hard enough just finding out if you have fertility problems in the first place.

What do you need to know next? Do I need help from doctors and specialists or will some natural remedies work for me? This health blog post is here to help guide you through all of these questions and more. Whether this is your first time trying for a baby or not sure where else to turn, we’re here with everything there is about infertility treatment.

We’ll go over: common causes of infertility in women, treatments available by gender (female vs male), things you should be aware of when beginning fertility treatment, and your options beyond assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments.

Fertility Guide

You see, infertility isn’t just one disease or condition – it can have many causes and take a variety of forms. It’s often a mix of several issues that make it difficult to conceive.

You might be surprised by the questions we ask you at the start, but these are real concerns from people we’ve worked with. The more open and honest you are about your situation, the better we’ll be able to help guide you through this process.

What is basic fertility treatment?

Fertility treatment is a broad term that usually encompasses assisted reproductive technology (ART) methods. These are treatments where sperm and egg cells are brought together to form embryos outside of the body. This means there’s no need for sexual intercourse or in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Infertility doctors will help you decide whether fertility medication, low-tech treatments, or high-cost procedures make sense for your situation. You’ll want to work closely with infertility specialists if you’re trying to get pregnant using these methods.

There’s so much information out there about IVF and other expensive medical procedures – it can be hard knowing what approach might work best for you. Plus, not everyone wants to use drugs and as part of their treatment regimen. Here’s a quick rundown of the pros and cons of each:

Fertility medication

The most common form of fertility treatment is fertility medications. These are hormones that help stimulate your ovaries to produce multiple eggs during an egg-releasing cycle. You’ll give yourself daily injections or take pills to increase egg production.

Medication can cause side effects like mood swings, cramping, bloating, headaches, nausea, and more. It’s not uncommon for women to miss work or alter their lifestyles in other ways to make sure they’re taking care of themselves while on these drugs.

And unfortunately it doesn’t always lead to success . Plus, you need relatively healthy eggs if you want high odds of becoming pregnant with method (IUI = Intrauterine Insemination).

Low-tech procedures

A simpler and more affordable fertility treatment is artificial insemination (AI). This is when a doctor will get sperm samples from your male partner and use a thin plastic tube to introduce them directly into your uterus. The procedure only takes about 10 minutes.

There are no side effects of this method, but it’s only effective if you have good sperm quality . If that’s an issue for you, you may need to try another option or undergo a vasectomy first before moving ahead with this treatment.

High-tech procedures

Yet another type of infertility treatment includes high-cost procedures such as IVF. This involves giving yourself injections of fertility medications like many women do with low-tech treatment.

The difference is that during IVF, your doctor will retrieve eggs from your ovaries and combine them with sperm in the lab before implanting them back into your body. While it’s more effective than low-tech procedures, there are several ways things can go wrong – not to mention it costs thousands of dollars per cycle .

What causes infertility in women?

There can be many reasons you’re having trouble getting pregnant with these treatments. It might come down to problems like blocked fallopian tubes , endometriosis , or uterine fibroids .

These conditions or others lead to an environment where it’s difficult for sperm cells to reach and fertilize eggs (if you’re trying through intercourse). if that doesn’t happen, you can’t become pregnant.

If uterine fibroids are your issue, then you might opt for a procedure called Fibroid Embolization . This involves the doctor inserting a catheter into your blood vessels and injecting tiny particles that block off certain pathways to your uterus (this stops the flow of blood to the fibroids).

It’s minimally invasive and has very few risks . Plus, it can be performed in an outpatient setting instead of requiring full-day surgery at a hospital.

What are the first steps for infertility?

You don’t need to go straight to fertility drugs or expensive procedures if you have uterine fibroids. You can begin by discussing your main symptoms with your doctor .

This could be painful periods, excess bleeding during menstruation, or pelvic pain (you might even find a hard mass near your uterus). Some doctors will prescribe medication first while others might opt for surgery if they detect an abnormal growth around the womb.

If you’d prefer not to use medications or undergo high-cost procedures, there are other options to explore such as acupuncture , dietary changes, and exercises that promote blood flow throughout the body (thereby increasing healthy circulation). There are also supplements that can help ease side effects of fibroid treatments such as CBD oil , turmeric , and more.

What are the stages of fertility treatment?

When you’re ready to move on to fertility treatments , the first steps will be either low-tech or high-tech procedures. This could be intrauterine insemination (IUI) and then IVF if you don’t get pregnant with IUI. These are just two of many options for getting started in your diagnosis and treatment process .

What is IUI?

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) involves getting sperm cells from your partner’s release and placing it as close to your cervix as possible before fertilization can happen. The process happens “naturally” once a month around ovulation when an egg comes out of one fallopian tube and into the uterus (it usually only takes one try to get pregnant with IUI).

What is IVF?

A more complex procedure, the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) involves mixing sperm and eggs together in a lab. This usually requires hormone shots to increase your egg production so you have enough for the procedure. Once that’s done, part or all of your eggs are placed back into your body where they hopefully attach themselves to cells that form an embryo inside the uterus.

Some women who have been trying to conceive go through 10+ rounds of both low-tech and high tech treatments before getting pregnant . That can be very expensive when you consider it costs 50,000 per round – not including medications or things like taking time off work or childcare . Not surprisingly, that’s why many women turn to alternative options first.

How can I check my fertility?

If you’re thinking about your fertility levels , there are a few different ways to assess them. You can talk with your doctor about treatments right away, you could wait and see if something comes of low-tech or high-tech treatments, or you could explore alternatives like CBD oil . This is often the cheapest option for women who want to “see” whether they have problems conceiving before shelling out thousands of rupees on tests and medical procedures.

Which Fertility treatment is most effective?

Doctors suggest that about 3 in 5 women become pregnant with IUI and 2 in 5 women become pregnant with IVF. According to Dr. Subha, the main difference between IUI vs IVF is how difficult it can be to harvest eggs for an IVF procedure .

IVF involves a more complicated, drawn-out process of harvesting eggs, fertilizing them outside your body, and returning them via catheter into your uterus.

IVF is also not effective for many couples because only a small percentage of those fertilized eggs successfully attach to cells inside your womb and create embryos (this all happens naturally during ovulation).

The success rate varies by age but can be as low as 1 out of 10 at age 44 or older . In this case, if a women does not produce enough healthy eggs or the eggs are of poor quality , they may be unable to have children.

For these reasons, many experts suggest that women with fertility problems try low-tech treatment options before moving on to high-tech therapies such as IVF. If you decide to go down this route, it’s important to take care of yourself in order to “boost” your chances of conceiving naturally . You don’t want your body (and hormones) going through huge changes without consulting your doctor first.

How can diet and lifestyle affect fertility?

Just like there are certain things that can make some people more prone to heart disease or liver damage , there are also that can affect fertility by damaging fallopian tubes or decreasing the amount of ovulation. For example, women who smoke have a much harder time getting pregnant than nonsmokers . Drinking alcohol and having unprotected sex also puts you at greater risk for problems conceiving .

Of course, there are other things that can affect your ability to conceive (or the health of your future baby). A woman’s age is perhaps the most important factor as fertility starts to decline in your early 30s . Experts recommend that all women trying to conceive should be evaluated sooner rather than later so they can get treatment started before it becomes impossible or too costly.

CBD Oil & Fertility What does CBD oil do? First of all, it’s important to understand that “cbd” is just one of over 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant . CBD oil is made by extracting the cannabinoid from high-cannabidiol (CBD) strains of the marijuana plant.

This “strain” has a much lower THC content than psychoactive varieties such as psychoactive THC strains like “skunk”. The reason for this is that high levels of THC can interfere with your ability to have children .

How can I get pregnant fast naturally in 2 months?

There are three important factors that you should keep in mind if you want to avoid fertility problems and get pregnant fast naturally.

Healthy Diet

A healthy diet can do a lot for anyone who’s trying to conceive . Not only does eating well help increase your fertility , it also ensures that future baby will have the best possible start in life. With that being said, the quality of sperm is just as important as the quantity .

In fact, most men won’t be able to conceive on their own without an adequate supply of healthy swimmers . The reason for this is that male fertility takes a nosedive after age 30 (just like female fertility). This means that most couples who decide to try and conceive at an older age will need help with getting pregnant .


Now that you know what can interfere with your fertility , you need to consider how diet and exercise play a role in getting pregnant . If you’re very overweight or obese, losing just 10 to 15 pounds can improve your chances of conceiving , according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).

More than 70 percent of women who were unable to get pregnant naturally reported being overweight when they first sought treatment. Although obesity is an independent risk factor for infertility, it’s possible that the excess weight causes hormonal changes that affect ovulation and make it harder to conceive .

Exercise may also be helpful if you want to increase your chances of having a baby fertility treatments. A study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility found that women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) who did moderate exercise for 20 to 30 minutes three times a week had a higher success rate .


If you’re extremely stressed, your body may produce too much cortisol, which can interfere with ovulation. Prolonged exposure to high levels of cortisol can also affect the uterus lining , making it harder for an embryo to implant in the uterine wall.

There’s some evidence that stress may also have a negative impact on male fertility . For example, one study published in Human Reproduction found that men who were highly stressed before their partner’s IVF treatment had poorer quality sperm and lower fertilization rates than those who weren’t as stressed.

Although many people who want to have a baby don’t realize it, stress can actually change your body chemistry in some pretty profound ways. This is definitely something to keep in mind if you’re trying to conceive naturally or through infertility treatments like IVF .

In fact, one Swedish study found that women with high levels of the stress hormone cortisol had decreased ovarian reserve and were less likely to give birth after successfully conceiving .

These three factors can affect both male and female fertility , but there are other lifestyle changes that can also be helpful either by improving fertility or making it more difficult for sperm or egg cells to unite.

For example, research has linked smoking with lower chances of conception , which may be due to the fact that cigarettes contain nicotine and other chemicals that impact the body’s ability to produce and fertilize eggs.

Alcohol may also interfere with fertility , according to a study published in The Journal of Urology . Heavy drinking can affect sperm quality, particularly by increasing levels of estrogen (research has shown that drinking heavily can raise estrogen levels).

This is good news for men who are trying to conceive because it means their female partner will naturally have higher concentrations of free testosterone, which makes conception more likely.

When you’re trying to get pregnant naturally or go through infertility treatments like IVF , make sure you eat right, exercise regularly, and avoid stress if at all possible . If you have any questions about how lifestyle changes can improve your chances of having a baby , consult a fertility specialist .

What is the fastest way to get pregnant?

Most couples can conceive naturally within a few months, although it varies from couple to couple. If you’re under 35, there is about a 20 percent chance of getting pregnant in any given menstrual cycle and more than 80 percent chance that you’ll conceive within one year if you have physical relation every other day during the time when ovulation happens.

However, certain factors – like being over age 35 or having irregular periods – can complicate things . For example, women who are over 40 have about a 50 percent chance of conceiving each month and those who are overweight tend to take slightly longer than average to get pregnant .

Overall, however, couples who stay together for six months will probably be able to have their baby much trouble.

Although most doctors recommend trying to conceive for a year before seeking medical help, they say it’s not uncommon for couples who have been trying unsuccessfully to conceive for two or three years – and even up to five years. In order to be considered infertile , you must keep trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant for 12 consecutive months .

Although many people are under the assumption that fertility treatments like IVF are expensive, this isn’t always the case. Depending on your insurance policy, IVF may actually cost less through your health plan than if you paid out of pocket because many plans cover certain infertility services.

Also, since some women may be able to get pregnant using only one egg donor cycle instead of paying thousands of dollars each time they need an additional IVF cycle , it’s important to talk with your doctor about the best course of action for you.

Do women only ovulate once a month?

Although it is true that women ovulate only once a month , this typically doesn’t occur on the exact 14th day of their cycle . Instead, most women release an egg between days 11 and 21, although anywhere from days 8 to 24 are considered “fertile days.”

So while you can get pregnant if you have unprotected physical relation during just about any day in your cycle , there is usually one window each month when having unprotected physical relation increases your chances.

Many people who are trying to conceive naturally track their ovulation so they know when this window occurs . In order to maximize your chances of conceiving within this time, you can have physical relation every other day during your fertile days , or have physical relation at least every 48 hours .

If you’re under 35 and having physical relation with the same partner regularly and still not getting pregnant, it’s important to talk with a doctor because there may be an issue that is preventing you from conceiving. For example, many women who suffer from PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) ovulate only a few times a year , which means they won’t have their period if they don’t take medications to regulate their hormones. If this sounds like you, make an appointment with your gynecologist so she can figure out the best course of action for your condition.

Do fertility treatments work?

Research shows that of couples who use fertility treatments , about 70 percent will have a child as a result . Of the 30 percent whose treatments fail, many will find success after trying again.

How long does it take to get pregnant?

In women under 35, there is an 80-85 percent chance of getting pregnant within one year if you have unprotected health relation every other day during your fertile days – which is typically between days 11 and 21 of your menstrual cycle.

However, those odds get better with each passing month after this time frame has passed. For example, if you haven’t conceived in six months , you should talk with a doctor because there may be something preventing you from getting pregnant such as problems with ovulation or irregular periods .

Even though many couples get pregnant in the first six months, it’s recommended that you try to conceive for at least a year before seeking medical help .

This is because although most women start ovulating regularly in their early 20s , it can sometimes take up to two years to master this process and have a long stretch of health relation without using birth control .

Women over 35 shouldn’t wait more than six months before talking with a doctor about fertility treatments. Many doctors believe that after age 37, waiting too long will increase your chances of having fertility problems.

Can I check my fertility at home?

Although there are home pregnancy tests you can take to determine if you’re pregnant, these aren’t accurate for determining your fertility status . If you want to find out when or if you’re ovulating , the best option is to monitor your basal body temperature on a daily basis.

By taking your temperature as soon as you wake up each morning and charting it on graph paper, you can see what days of your cycle tend to be the most fertile ones.

If your BBT reading remains higher than normal (97 degrees Fahrenheit) for more than 18 consecutive days during your menstrual cycle , this means that an egg has already been released and conception is likely prevent despite having unprotected health relation.

What this means for those trying to conceive naturally is that they must have physical relation at least every 48 hours during these days.

If you don’t get pregnant after six months of having unprotected health relation, it’s important to see a doctor because there may be an issue that is preventing you from conceiving.

For example, many women who suffer from PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) ovulate only a few times a year , which means they won’t have their period if they don’t take medications to regulate their hormones. If this sounds like you, make an appointment with your gynecologist so she can figure out the best course of action for your condition .

What fertility pills make twins?

According to a study by the University of California, women who used clomifene – one of the most common fertility drugs – were twice as likely to conceive twins . However, this particular medication is usually not prescribed for women trying to get pregnant.

Do fertility treatments work?

Research shows that of couples who use fertility treatments , about 70 percent will have a child as a result . Of the 30 percent whose treatments fail, many will find success after trying again.

What are 4 causes for female infertility?

There are many causes for female infertility , including hormonal imbalances, irregular menstrual periods, PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), uterine fibroids and more. If you’re having trouble conceiving, make an appointment with your doctor to see what might be causing it and discuss the best treatment options .

What are the signs of infertility in females?

Sporadic or absent menstrual periods , as well as not ovulating at all, are signs of infertility in women. Women who don’t ovulate regularly aren’t releasing an egg each month, which means they can’t get pregnant until they start ovulating properly .

How can I treat fertility naturally?

Many couples who want to conceive naturally are able to do so after trying for six months, especially if the woman is under 35 . If you’re having trouble getting pregnant, however, a fertility specialist can help you figure out what’s causing the issue and offer treatment options.

Can I get pregnant faster by having health relation on my fertile days?

Although it may be tempting to try and conceive a child as quickly as possible , doctors recommend waiting at least six months before seeing a fertility expert .

This gives you enough time to determine whether or not your body is producing viable eggs (women with PCOS usually struggle with this). It also gives your partner’s sperm plenty of time to run strong and healthy in order to fertilize an egg.

But if you’re actively trying to conceive and are having unprotected health relation every two days, it’s possible that sperm is being wasted. This is especially true for men who have a low sperm count or other health conditions that prevent them from releasing healthy sperm on all reproductive days .

Can infertility be cured?

If it’s a problem with your uterus, cervix or fallopian tubes , you can treat it with surgery . If the issue is hormonal , your doctor may prescribe fertility drugs to help stimulate egg production.

Why am not getting pregnant when everything is normal?

Even when everything is considered normal, about 10 percent of couples are unable to conceive . Many factors can affect a couple’s ability to get pregnant – some that might be out of their control. For example, women who suffer from PCOS or other conditions have trouble ovulating , which means they’re not releasing an egg each month.

How long does it take for fertility treatment to work?

It depends on which fertility treatments you’re using. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services , about half of all infertility cases are able to conceive with medication alone, while less than five percent require surgery . That being said, female factor infertility accounts for more than 50 percent of all infertility , so most women will need at least a little bit of help from their doctor.

Are fertility supplements safe?

It’s important to discuss any supplements you’re taking with your fertility specialist before starting . Some may interfere with conventional infertility treatments or interact with prescription medications, so it’s always important to check in first.

Can I get pregnant after 42 years old more likely?

If you’re trying for a baby after age 35 , there isn’t really an increased likelihood of conceiving after this age . A woman who is 43 has about the same chances of getting pregnant as one who is 35 – that is, they both have about a 40 percent chance each month. It’s also possible for women over 50 to conceive naturally , although health complications are more common at this stage of life.

Why am I not getting pregnant with three months regular physical relation?

If you’re having regular physical relation (at least once a week), it’s unlikely that there is anything wrong with your reproductive health . If, however, you are over 35 and have been trying for at least six months without success, it may be time to talk to your doctor about infertility testing.

What age does fertility decline?

Fertility typically begins declining in the mid-30s , but many women still conceive naturally into their 40s . At this point, fertility can still decline but happens more gradually than its earlier stages. Around age 45 , most couples will require some type of medical help if they want to conceive.

At 30 years old, your chances of conceiving both naturally and by fertility treatments are around 40 percent each month. This means that at this age, most couples will conceive within a year of trying .

Is infertility is the woman problem?

Typically, infertility has more to do with the man than the woman . If you’ve been trying for at least one year (without using any contraception) and still haven’t had success conceiving, it’s likely that your infertility is due to a fertility issue in the man.

How does alcohol affect chances of getting pregnant?

To get pregnant, you need to release an egg every month. Drinking too much can decrease your body’s ability to ovulate , which may make it difficult to conceive.

Also, alcoholic beverages often contain empty calories that are harmful for sperm production . Alcohol abuse can also be associated with erectile dysfunction and poor semen quality.

Are there conception boosters?

There are many supplements marketed as conception boosters, but they have little scientific evidence backing them up. Folic acid – especially before pregnancy – has been proven effective at preventing neural tube defects such as spina bifida . However, studies haven’t found any connection between supplementation and increased fertility.

What is basic fertility testing?

Basic fertility tests are those that a couple can do at home. They include ovulation testing and tracking basal body temperatures, as well as checking cervical fluid for sperm survival. If you’re over 35 and trying to conceive for more than one year without success , your doctor may recommend advanced fertility testing .

What are the signs of not being able to have a baby?

Some of the most common signs of infertility in women include irregular periods, a history of sexually transmitted diseases , and recurring pregnancy loss. However, it’s important to note that you can still be diagnosed as infertile even if you get pregnant every so often. Other signs include abnormal bleeding from the vagina or rectum , back pain , swelling or bloating in your abdomen, and pelvic pain .

Can blood tests show infertility?

Blood tests may be used to diagnose infertility in both women and men . A complete blood count can test for anemia or infection, a thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level can indicate hypothyroidism , and a semen analysis can check male fertility .

How do female fertility tests work?

A fertility specialist may recommend testing for different female reproductive issues , all of which could prevent you from getting pregnant. Some examples include uterine problems that make it difficult to conceive, endometriosis that negatively impacts fallopian tubes and uterus, polycystic ovarian syndrome , and pelvic adhesions or infection .

How do male factors affect fertility?

The most common male factors associated with infertility are low sperm count (a concentration of less than 15 million per milliliter) and poor sperm motility, which is when the sperm can’t effectively move forward towards the egg . Your doctor may also test for antisperm antibodies , genetic conditions like cystic fibrosis , hormonal imbalances, and blockages in the ejaculatory ducts.

How do you know if your egg quality is fertile?

Unfortunately, there’s no test to find out if your eggs are fertile. However, if you’re over 35 and trying to conceive without success for one year , your doctor may recommend advanced fertility testing .

Can fertility treatments be dangerous?

Risks associated with fertility treatments include multiple births (most often twins), allergic reaction to medication , ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome , and ovarian torsion . However, these risks are relatively rare.

Can I use my frozen eggs if I’m infertile?

Some people who are diagnosed with infertility turn to assisted reproductive technologies ( ART ) , like freezing their eggs before starting cancer treatment . If a woman’s egg quality isn’t good enough to conceive on her own, her fertility specialist may fertilize the frozen eggs with sperm from a donor and transfer one embryo at a time.

This is called an embryo transfer . For this reason, you may be able to use your frozen eggs if you were diagnosed with infertility after freezing them.

Why am I not getting pregnant even though I am ovulating?

Some women with ovarian dysfunction may have irregular periods or might not even release an egg from the ovary each month. In these cases, fertility treatments like gonadotropins can help stimulate ovulation .

Gonadotropins are injected medications that contain follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which are natural hormones that encourage your ovaries to produce eggs.

Can I get pregnant in my 30s?

Yes! There’s no age limit for getting pregnant, but you’re more likely to have a healthy pregnancy if you conceive naturally when you’re in your mid-20s. If genetics play a role in infertility , it’s possible to be diagnosed as infertile at any age, even in your 30s.

How do I find out if I’m infertile?

Your doctor will ask questions about your history and perform a pelvic exam to check your reproductive organs for any issues that could impact fertility, like endometriosis , ovarian cysts, or uterine fibroids . They may suggest diagnostic tests to diagnose infertility and determine your best course of treatment.

How can I get pregnant when my husband has had a vasectomy?

If you already have kids and your husband had a vasectomy years ago but wants another baby now, don’t give up hope! There are options available for couples looking to conceive naturally after a male partner’s sterilization surgery .

These include sperm retrieval and purification methods like percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA) or testicular sperm extraction (TESE), as well as in vitro fertilization with intrauterine insemination (IUI) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

What are fertility drugs and how do they work?

Fertility drugs are medications that stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs, similar to gonadotropins. There’s a wide range of fertility drugs available, but most are injected into the muscle as a subcutaneous or intramuscular shot.

Injectable fertility medications can help women with ovulatory disorders , like polycystic ovarian syndrome , release an egg each month during their menstrual cycle. Along with medication, you’ll likely also need other treatments like in vitro fertilization if you’re diagnosed with infertility .

Is it dangerous for my wife to use fertility medication?

Some of the side effects of fertility medications include mood swings, headaches, and ovarian torsion (when an ovary twists on its blood supply), but these risks are rare.

What is the best time to test urine for ovulation?

During your menstrual cycle, you can test your urine for a surge in hormones that indicate you’re about to ovulate . You may notice these chemicals in your urine because they change the way it smells and looks. A hormone-detecting test strip will detect high levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine 24 to 36 hours before ovulation occurs.

How long does it take the average couple to conceive?

The average couple has a one-in-four chance of conceiving within the first three months of trying, according to the World Health Organization.

Why do I only release an egg every few months?

Ovulation—when your ovary releases an egg to be fertilized by sperm—occurs once each month. Some women produce more than one egg in a single menstrual cycle, while others release just one or none at all.

If you don’t produce eggs regularly, your doctor can help diagnose and treat the problem. They may recommend fertility medications that stimulate ovulation , like clomiphene citrate .

Can oral contraceptives affect my ability to get pregnant?

It’s rare, but taking certain kinds of hormonal contraceptives for a long time could impact your ability to get pregnant. Pills, skin patches, vaginal rings, and implants that release estrogen and progestin may reduce the number of eggs released during ovulation .

How long does implantation bleeding last?

Implantation spotting is a light amount of blood from pregnancy tissue building up in the uterus. It typically lasts one or two days. If you experience a longer flow of blood or notice a brownish discharge after implantation , call your doctor right away about potential complications .

Will I need surgery if I can’t conceive naturally?

If you’re diagnosed with infertility , treatment options will depend on what’s causing it. Your doctor may recommend fertility medications for women who are infertile due to ovulatory disorders, or in vitro fertilization with intrauterine insemination (IUI) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) if you’re infertile due to blockages or problems with your fallopian tubes.

What are ovulation kits and how do they work?

Ovulation kits detect the surge of luteinizing hormone that triggers ovulation . You can use them each month to figure out when you’ll release an egg for fertilization. In order to have a successful pregnancy , make sure you have physical relation at least every other day during your five most fertile days of the menstrual cycle .

What should you not do when trying to get pregnant?

To increase your chances of getting pregnant, try not to smoke, drink alcohol , or use drugs. A healthy diet and regular exercise will also help boost your fertility .

What should you do when trying to get pregnant?

When trying to conceive, the main goals are to have sex during your five most fertile days of the menstrual cycle , avoid birth control that contains estrogen, and maintain a healthy lifestyle . If you have any questions about infertility treatments or other issues related to fertility , talk with your doctor.

How can I improve my egg quality in 30 days?

In a study published in the journal Women’s Health Issues, researchers asked women with PCOS to follow one of two diets for six months. One diet was high in carbs and low in fat. The other had the opposite ratio of carbs to fat: higher-protein, lower-carbohydrate foods.

At the end of 30 days, both groups saw similar increases in their levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) which helps regulate estrogen levels .

How can I test my egg quality?

Your doctor can perform blood tests to measure your levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol. High testosterone levels can lead to lower egg quality, while higher estrogen and progesterone levels are associated with better egg quality. Higher SHBG is also linked with better-quality eggs.

How long does it take to get pregnant?

In most cases, getting pregnant within the first year of trying is considered normal . On average, couples have a one-in-four chance of conceiving within three months and a two-in-three chance after six months.

What do my hormones have to do with fertility ?

Testosterone, which women normally produce in very small amounts, may interfere with ovulation if you have too much of it. In PCOS, the pituitary gland produces high levels of LH and FSH . This can affect your estrogen and progesterone production , which is important for ovulation .

What percentage of fertilized eggs make it to Day 5?

About 75 to 80 percent of fertilized eggs survive to Day 5. About 60 to 65 percent make it until the end of implantation — when your embryo attaches itself to your uterus .

How does obesity affect fertility ?

Being overweight can lead to ovulatory disorders that cause infertility . Excess weight can also interfere with a fertilized egg’s ability to implant in your uterine lining . Women who are very thin may not be able produce an egg at all, while others have irregular menstrual cycles or stop having periods at all (amenorrhea) which is associated with reduced fertility .

What percentage of embryos made on Day 3 and Day 5 make it until birth?

On average, about 70 to 80 percent of embryos cultured on both Days 3 and 5 make it until birth. One-third of these embryos are chromosomally abnormal, which may result in miscarriage .

Conclusion paragraph

So what’s your next step? Whether you’re interested in the latest and greatest fertility treatments or would prefer to take a more natural approach, this blog post is here to help guide you through all of these questions.

If there’s anything specific that we’ve missed, feel free to get in touch with us via email or comment below for further information on how to start your family. We hope this article has been helpful; let’s make parenthood happen!


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