What Are The Main Causes Of Infertility In Males And Females?

Causes Of Infertility

Creating a life is a privilege that is not given to everyone. It is a miracle that is not for everyone. There was a time when if you are not able to have a child then your ancestry will be lost. There will be no one who will remember you after you are gone. But times have changed. There are many ways to find why you are unable to conceive a baby. New and improved technology will let you know the exact cause of infertility. Most people can conceive a baby without going to the fertility clinic. But some people might have more problems than they are aware of. So it is very smart to go to a doctor and have a full workup of your body.

Any type of fertility treatment can be challenging for people. For example, when IUI is done on patients they need to take additional precautions. There are also psychological effects if treatment is not successful in the first few tries. So it is very important to look into preventing infertility in the first place. But how can you take precautions against something that you know nothing about? That is why we are going to help you. We will tell you about the reasons for infertility in both men and women.

The treatment option for infertility depends on the reasons for infertilities. Who is infertile? Male or female is also important. They can be both infertile and that might lead to bigger problems in conceiving the baby.

Causes Of Infertility

So Let’s Look at Causes of Female Infertility:


Ovulation is the process of releasing the mature egg from the ovaries. Then the egg will move into the fallopian tube. Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube. The fertilized egg is known as an embryo that can grow into a baby.

If a female is unable to release a mature egg then an embryo cannot be made. 40% of infertile women are suffering from this problem. This problem can be caused by gynecological conditions, endocrine diseases, age, and several other factors.

To solve this problem doctors will give you fertility drugs to induce ovulation. There are also other ways to resolve ovulatory dysfunction. For example, if you are overweight or underweight then you should try to attain optimum weight. This can restart your ovulation. This is not a guaranteed solution. But it will help to have proper weight.

In this case, a natural conception is possible. When IUI is done on such patients results are very promising.

Structural problems of the reproductive system

There are many causes of infertility some are hormonal while others can be a genetic, health condition, lifestyle, etc. Besides these, there are also structural issues that can prevent you from conceiving a baby.

Damaged fallopian tubes are a very serious issue. If tubes are damaged there is no way to fertilize the egg as sperms won’t be able to reach it. In this case, natural conception cannot occur. So even when IUI is done results will not be successful.

Another problem might be ovarian cysts. These are fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries. These can be found in women of all ages. Some cysts are not problematic but some can cause complications. They can be cancerous on very rare occasions. So you must get it evaluated and removed by a professional.

Another problem can be tumors in the uterus. These are fibroids that are in most cases benign. They can go undetected without causing any concerns. When IUI is done conception chances will be nil.

In some cases, however, they cause frequent and excessive menstrual periods, pelvic pain, recurrent miscarriage, infertility, etc.


Many infections affect fertility. Some of them are pelvic inflammatory disease, infection in the uterus and fallopian tubes, sexually transmitted disease (STD), etc.

Frequent infection in reproductive organs will lead to infertility. Sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea can damage the uterus and fallopian tubes. These will not affect you immediately but they have long-term side effects.

Syphilis is also very dangerous. They can increase the complications in pregnant women. It increases the chances of stillbirth.

Chances of pregnancy decrease when IUI is done on patients with infection or history of frequent infection in the uterus.

Hormonal problem

Females with abnormal hormone level can have fertility issues. The abnormal hormone affects the ovulation process, so the release of the eggs becomes difficult. Thus it becomes increasingly difficult to conceive a baby.

Hormonal imbalance occurs if there is too much or too little of a hormone in the bloodstream. Hormones are very important for our bodies. A small change can cause too much damage. When women experience an imbalance in estrogen and progesterone levels their reproductive system has a huge impact.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), hormone replacement or birth control pills, early menopause, ovarian cancer, primary ovarian insufficiency, etc. are the medical conditions that cause hormone imbalance in women. It is unlikely that a successful pregnancy will occur when IUI is done on PCOS patients.

Hormone imbalance causes irregular and heavy periods, breast tenderness, weight gain, clitoral enlargement, infertility, etc.

But luckily hormones can be controlled by taking medicine, a balanced diet, proper exercise, etc.

Problems in the menstrual cycle

As we all know periods are the way to prepare our body for a conception of the baby. All processes included in this cycle must be working properly. Each system has to play its part to have a successful cycle.

There are many stages in the cycle. If there is any problem at any of the phases, it can lead to infertility in women. Irregularity in periods doesn’t need to lead to infertility. But it can be harder to get pregnant with irregular periods. Many women with irregular cycles have gotten pregnant. Their pregnancy cannot be said to have any riskier than any of the pregnancies in the world.

Every woman is different. They have a different experience with their periods. Some have heavy bleeding throughout the cycle. While others only experience minor bleeding. Symptoms before, during, and after periods are also different. So if you have an abnormal cycle of symptoms variation in the cycle you should consult the doctors.

These are not always indicators of the menstrual disorder but taking proactive steps is still a smart decision. If there is no major issue patients observe successful pregnancy when IUI is done on them.

It is indeed very difficult to conceive the child. Today, environmental factors are a major cause of infertility. Pollution, nutrition-less food, impure water, and lifestyle are affecting us and our bodies. It is not just women who are being affected by fertility issues. Over 50% of infertility cases are due to infertility in men.

Sperm is vital to the conception of the baby. The egg is provided by the female but sperm needs to be from the male. There can be two problems from sperms. One is low-quality sperm and the other is the low quantity of sperm. This situation is not good for conceiving the baby. When IUI is done on patients sperms are directly inseminated in the uterus so it increases the chances of pregnancy. But it is not guaranteed. It is sometimes impossible to conceive a child with the sperm of the father.

It is believed that one in every 20 men has a sperm count. But one in every 100 men has zero sperm count. These are just statistics. But if you have been trying to get pregnant by having intercourse at least twice a week you might want to go to a fertility expert to get it evaluated.

Infertility in the male will be due to an obstruction in the production of sperm or how it travels. 2/3 of male fertility is due to low sperm production and inactive sperm. When IUI is done for such couples, their fertility issues are mostly solved.

There are also cases of men who have done a vasectomy but now they want children. There are also physical challenges for some men. Obstruction in tubes that lead from testicles to the penis will stop your sperm ejaculation.

Male infertility can also be caused by several health problems. Some treatments

might also lead to infertility.

Causes of male infertility:


Infections are very dangerous no matter where they occur. Infection in the reproductive organs of males can potentially damage the testicles. However, this is a very extreme case scenario. Most cases heal very nicely without any permanent damage.

Causes Of Infertility

Some infections interfere with the production of sperm. As mentioned before issues with sperm production will incite infertility. They can also affect the health of the sperm. In some cases, the infection can lead to scarring. This scarring can block the passage of the sperm. In this case IUI will be a very good option for you. When IUI is done they take sperm specimens and inject it directly into the uterus. So it won’t be a problem if male is able to ejaculate or not. They can directly extract specimens from testicles.

Infection can be due to inflammation of the testicles or epididymitis, sexually transmitted infection of gonorrhea, or HIV.

Newfound research also indicates that bacterial infection can affect the sperm itself. There are not many studies present of infection directly affecting the sperm itself. Bacteria can damage the sperm cells through DNA fragmentation, cell membrane peroxidation, etc. This is due to the toxins secreted by bacteria. These changes can harm sperm parameters and cause infertility. When IUI is done they need viable sperms for it to work. So if bacteria damages the sperms itself then they will not be able to conceive from this specimen.

Ejaculation issues

There are three types of ejaculation problems.

  • Premature ejaculation
  • Delayed Ejaculation
  • Retrograde ejaculation

But only Retrograde ejaculation causes infertility. In retrograde ejaculation, semen enters the bladder instead of materializing from the penis during the orgasm. You will still feel the pleasure during the orgasm. However, you will only ejaculate with little to no semen. This will be problematic for those who want to conceive a baby.

It is not harmful to males but it is making you unable to conceive naturally. When IUI is done for such couples they have a successful conception if there are no other issues. Many health problems can cause this type of ejaculation. For example, diabetes, prostate surgery, excess medications, injuries, etc.

Some men with injuries in their spinal cord or other disorders are unable to ejaculate. Although they can produce sperm, they are not able to ejaculate. In these cases, IUI is very helpful. As there are no other issues when IUI is done, couples might get pregnant on the first try.

Undescended testicles

In this condition, testicles are not moved to their proper location in the sac below the penis before birth. In most cases, only one testicle is affected. However, in 10% of cases, both testicles are undescended.

This can be detected when the baby is born. In most cases, they wait for four months before they decide whether or not they are going to descend. It is generally smart to solve the problem early on as a boy matures, it can cause psychological issues. It is not just mental issues you have to look out for.

This condition can cause testicular cancer, fertility issues, testicular torsion, hernia, and a small number of other problems.

This is usually solved by surgery. The surgeon will maneuver the testicle into the scrotum and stitches it into the place. This surgery can be done with either laparoscopy or open surgery. This should be done when a boy is still a baby, which will lessen the complications later in life.

Another treatment of undescended testicles is hormone treatment. In this action, doctors will inject you with the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) hormone. This will cause your testicle to move to the scrotum. This is not recommended by doctors as it is not as effective as surgery.

Success rates of surgery are nearly 100%. A male with one undescended testicle will have no fertility issues. However, the fertility rate drops to 65% for males with two undescended testicles. As long as there are viable sperm, IUI can be a good option for the couples. When IUI is done it can give you natural conception.


Like any organ, when cancerous or benign tumors invade a body it damages the whole system connected with it. A tumor in any reproductive organ will damage the system and organs directly. The pituitary gland secretes hormones for reproduction. This gland can also carry cancerous substances through this gland.

It is also possible for cancer to come through an unknown path. Surgery to remove the cancerous organs is a starting point of the treatment. This will be followed by radiation or chemotherapy. This is not a fixed order for the treatment.

This treatment might obliterate male fertility. If possible patients are advised to collect some semen before they do the surgery and/or radiation or chemotherapy.

When IUI is done with the collected sample, you might only get a few tries before your samples run out.

Chromosome abnormalities

There are many birth defects that people are born with. Reproductive defects cause issues in conceiving a baby. But, likely, that child will also have to bear with such abnormalities.

Some of the chromosomal defects are Klinefelter syndrome, y chromosome microdeletions of genes, Noonan syndrome, chromosomal translocation.

Men with Klinefelter’s syndrome have two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome. This is very problematic as it makes males infertile. But it does not limit them as it also causes some other problems. These problems include but are not limited to men with enlarged breasts, small penis, low sex drive, decreased facial and pubic hair, language and speech problems, etc. This is truly horrible. This syndrome is responsible for 3% of male infertility. When IUI is done we need viable sperms so that it can implant itself in the egg and fertilize it.

Chromosomal translocation is observed when the male has an unusual arrangement of chromosomes. This will result in low sperm count or no sperm in semen. This causes 2.1% of male infertility cases.

Environmental causes

The environment is changing with it and our body is also changing. Many factors affect these changes.

Industrial chemicals like lead, herbicides, pesticides, toluene, benzenes, xylene, and organic solvents are affecting sperm counts. It does not affect you immediately. But long exposure will lead to infertility.

Overheating the testicles can be caused by prolonged sitting in one place working on a PC or laptop. It can also occur if you are wearing tight clothing your scrotum will heat up. An increase in temperature can marginally reduce sperm production.

Radiations from X-ray are known to cause many problems. But radiation also affects fertility. It can damage sperm generation. With a large amount of radiation, sperm production can be impaired permanently.

Having a baby is not an easy thing to achieve. Fertility problems in either man, woman, or both complicates the issue further. When you start thinking about having a baby. You will need to take care of yourself first.

Common causes of infertility related to your lifestyle.

Causes Of Infertility


Alcohol and other substances (drugs) are bad for your health. Steroids used by athletes to develop muscles can shrink the testicles and reduce sperm production. It can reduce the quality of the sperms as well.


Depression is a disease, which affects both the mind and body. The disease affects both males and females. Chances of getting pregnant decrease if you are suffering from depression.


Weight is one of the major causes of infertility. Overweight causes hormonal imbalance in the body. It impacts sperms and ovaries directly if you have excessive weight. This then reduces fertility.


Stress is a very important factor in many problems in life. Stress can cause mental imbalance. Some people get directly affected by stress and loss or gain weight. So it is not too much of a stretch that it can also affect the reproductive system.

Fertility is very sensitive. It will be affected by any number of small changes in our life. Most cases of infertility either male or a female can be solved by any number of the treatments available these days. But there are some cases where infertility is not cured. This is not an end for those couples. As there are many other options open for you if you are willing to.


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