Everything You Need To Know About IUI And After IUI Treatment

Every couple who goes for any infertility treatment has many questions before settling for the one that is best suited to their needs. Consulting with the infertility expert always helps and gives a clear choice as to which IUI Treatment is the best for a couple in all respects. A majority of couples are advised to undergo IUI Treatment first before switching to any other treatment as it is the one that is least invasive and least painful. Go through this blog to get answers to all your IUI-related queries such as what is IUI? What is the procedure of IUI? Pregnancy symptoms after IUI? After IUI what happens? And many more.

Here is the list of frequently asked question that everyone should know

What is an IUI Treatment?

IUI stands for Intrauterine insemination. It is a type of Artificial reproductive treatment (ART). IUI treatment consists of artificially inseminating a female partner’s eggs inside the female body. The sperms that are collected from the male partner or from a donor are directly placed into the uterus using a thin and long catheter.

In natural conception, sperms have to travel from the vagina to the fallopian tubes crossing the cervix, and moving from the uterus. But in IUI treatment washed sperms are used that are concentrated with sperms only. These washed sperms are directly placed into the uterus which saves them from the hostile mucus in their path up to the fallopian tubes. It helps them to fertilize eggs easily by reaching nearer to the eggs.

IUI treatment is the most affordable infertility treatment. It is less invasive as compared to other treatments, takes less time, and has a good success rate.

IUI is proven to be effective in the following infertility conditions

  • unexplained infertility
  • mild endometriosis
  • issues with the cervix or cervical mucus
  • low sperm count
  • decreased sperm motility
  • issues with ejaculation or erection
  • same-sex couples wishing to conceive
  • a single woman wishing to conceive
  • Couples who do not want the male partners’ genetic defects to pass to the child

IUI treatment isn’t effective in the following causes of infertility

  • women with moderate to severe endometriosis
  • women who do not have both fallopian tubes or have both the fallopian tubes blocked
  • women with severe fallopian tube disease
  • women who have had multiple pelvic infections
  • The male partner who does not produce sperms (unless the couple wishes to use donor sperm

In situations where IUI is not a suitable infertility treatment, another treatment such as IVF, GIFT, or ZIFT may be helpful. If you wish to discuss options for conceiving, your infertility expert can help you determine the best option for you.

What is in the IUI procedure?

IUI is a relatively painless and non-invasive procedure. IUI is sometimes performed in a so-called natural cycle, which means that no drugs are given. The woman naturally ovulates and has sperm at the time of ovulation placed in the infertility expert’s office.

IUI procedure can also be combined with ovarian stimulation drugs such as clomiphene citrate (Clomid), hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin), and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) to accelerate eggs maturation in the ovaries and the release of one or more eggs at a time. Ovulation with more than one egg usually increases the likelihood of pregnancy.

Each healthcare facility and infertility expert will have their own specific instructions for the IUI procedure.

During the time of the female partner’s period, she may have several visits to the infertility experts clinic for blood tests, ultrasounds, and treatment instructions.

If medications are prescribed, the female partner will usually start taking them during her period. About a week after starting treatment, she will probably have another ultrasound and possibly a blood test. Depending on the results of the test, the infertility expert will determine when she is ovulating and she and the male partner will visit the clinic again. This is usually 10 to 16 days after the initiation of the treatment. The male partner will provide a semen sample on the day of the procedure a few hours before the IUI procedure starts. In case of male infertility, a donor’s semen will be used which can be collected from a sperm bank or from a sperm donor directly. The sperm will be immediately taken to the laboratory, where they will be “washed.” It is a process in which seminal fluid and other impurities are removed so that the sperm are very concentrated and are unlikely to irritate the uterus.

IUI is a simple, quick, and usually painless infertility procedure and does not require anesthesia. The female partner lies on the examination table and the infertility expert uses a mirror to gently open the vagina and visualize the cervix. Sperms will be injected through the cervix and placed in the uterus using a long, very thin tube called a catheter. After insemination, the female partner will remain on the examination table for 10 to 30 minutes without doing any movement to ensure that sperms reach into the fallopian tube without any disturbance. Most women experience little to no discomfort, although some women may experience mild uterine cramps or vaginal bleeding after the IUI procedure. Some infertility experts perform the second insemination on the same day. Some experts also prescribe the use of progesterone after treatment and in the early stages of pregnancy if pregnancy is achieved, while others do not.

After 2 weeks of the IUI procedure, you can take a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy.

What does sperm washing mean in the IUI process?

A. Sperm washing is also known as sperm preparation or spinning. During the IUI process and other artificial reproduction techniques(ART), this technique is used for separating sperm from semen and also to separate motile sperms from less-motile or non-motile sperms.

There are 3 different types of Sperm Washing techniques that are common in the IUI process.

Simple Sperm Wash

In this technique, semen is diluted with a special solution of antibiotics and protein supplements in a test tube. After this, it is placed in a machine that spins around at extremely high speeds, known as a centrifuge. When the sperm mixture is spun in the centrifuge, the sperm cells fall to the bottom of the test tube, leaving behind a mass of dense and highly active sperm. These sperm are taken from the test tube and used in the IUI process. 20 to 40 minutes is what it takes for a simple sperm wash.

Density Gradient Sperm Wash

To separate white blood cells, dead sperm cells, and other waste products from the sperm, density gradient sperm wash is one of the most popular sperm washing methods that is adopted. In density gradient sperm wash a test tube is filled with multiple layers of liquids having variable densities. Semen is in the top layer of liquid of the test tube, the test tube is spun in a centrifuge machine. After the spinning ends, the healthy and active sperms make their way to the bottom-most layer of liquid in the test tube. The debris and dead sperms will be left floating in the top two layers. The top layers are removed to get the active sperms from the test tube. The active sperms are used in the IUI process. This process takes up to 1 hour.

Swim-up technique

The swim-up technique is becoming more and more popular all over the world for the semen sample which has normal numbers of good sperms. In this technique, semen is placed in a media culture. The media culture attracts the sperms towards itself and the best sperms get collected. This technique takes almost 2 hours for separating the best quality sperms from the rest for the IUI process.

Which female infertility conditions are suitable for IUI pregnancy?

IUI pregnancy is most suitable for the following female infertility conditions

Problems with the menstrual cycle

Irregular or total lack of a pregnancy is one of the main causes of infertility in females. A regular menstrual cycle is very much needed for the healthy functioning of the female reproductive organs.

Failure to ovulate

IUI pregnancy is very helpful in female infertility due to failure of ovulation. The main reasons for ovulation failure are

  • Due to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
  • Environmental factors
  • Due to age
  • Endocrine glands disorders
  • Lifestyle.

Infections- Untreated infections that cause fallopian tube blockage are due to gonorrhea and chlamydia in women that can lead to pelvic inflammatory diseases. If remain untreated, syphilis increases the chances of stillbirth in expecting pregnancies. Change in the quality of cervical mucus due to Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection decreases the amount and quality of cervical mucus due to long-time infections.

Structural problems of the reproductive system

It is mainly due to the growth of abnormal tissues in the fallopian tube. Some common female reproductive structural issues include

Uterine fibroids

Fibroids are the growths that can be seen within and around the wall of the uterus. Though they are not one of the main causes of female infertility, they lead to pregnancy failure in many women by natural methods. IUI pregnancy is possible in such infertility issues.


On the inside surface of the uterus, polyps are the nano cancerous growths. Even after conception females face pregnancy failures due to polyps as it compromises the functions of the uterus.


The tissues which are present in the inner linings of the uterus are found in other places due to endometriosis. The tissues may be present in the fallopian tubes leading to their blockage.

An unusually shaped uterus

This condition hinders implantation as the fertilized eggs are implanted in the wall of the uterus.

Scares in the uterus

Sacres due to surgeries, previous injuries, or infections lead to an increase in the chance of miscarriages. Also, it decreases the chances of implantation of fertilized eggs leading to infertility.

Implantation failure- For a successful pregnancy, the fertilized egg is needed to be implanted in the uterine wall. But due to failures in implantation because of many reasons a successful pregnancy by the natural method is not possible.

Implantation failure can be due to any of the following reasons

  • Endometriosis
  • Resistance to progesterone
  • Scarred tissue in the endometrial cavity
  • Genetic defects in the fertilized egg, the embryo
  • Thinner endometriumOther causes of female infertility are Uterine fibroids, Primary Ovary insufficiency, Autoimmune disease, and lack of mature eggs for fertilization but through IUI pregnancy is possible in all these female infertility conditions.

What are the earliest pregnancy symptoms after IUI?

The earliest pregnancy symptoms after IUI include

Implantation cramping and bleeding

The earliest pregnancy symptoms after IUI include cramps and bleeding. The cramps are because of implantation, which is after the fertilization the egg gets attached to the lining of the uterus.

Cramps due to implantation may occur within a few days of ovulation, and many women say that they experience cramps in the lower back, pelvis, or abdomen. These cramps may occur around 5 days after IUI treatment.
Few women also notice slight bleeding during implantation. This is referred to as implantation bleeding, which is lighter in color and flow is less than the menstrual flow.

Increased basal body temperature

Tracking the basal body temperature can help in figuring out pregnancy, though it is not the accurate method of knowing if pregnancy is successful as this is not unique to pregnancy. After ovulation, the basal body temperature increases and remains higher than usual in many till periods start.
Though basal body temperature that remains high during major times of day may be an indication of pregnancy.

Breast tenderness

One of the many pregnancy symptoms after IUI is breast tenderness. Due to changes in hormonal levels breasts swell, become tender, and start to itch. When touched they feel heavy and painful. This is experienced within 2 weeks of a successful IUI.


Fatigue after 1 week of conception is very common. Changes in the hormone levels, mainly due to a steep rise in progesterone during the initial stages of pregnancy make women feel sleepy throughout the majority of the daytime.

Other changes include
  • Increased blood flow
  • Heartburn
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Morning sickness
  • Lower than normal blood pressure and blood sugar
  • Irregular sleep cycle
  • Frequent urination
  • Back, hip, and pelvic pain
  • indigestion

Food cravings and food aversions

Women who are pregnant get more and more food cravings. The craving is very specific to certain food items only. As they develop an attraction towards certain food items, they find themselves being extremely repelled by certain food items and smells. Getting nauseous while around any such smell of food or any unpleasant smell is very common for women who have entered the phase of pregnancy.

Morning sickness

Vomiting, the feeling of nausea, mood swings, and unpleasantness are very common pregnancy symptoms after IUI. This starts as soon as 2 weeks of implantation and these symptoms occur at any time of the day.

How to do IUI at home?

The majority of people going for IUI treatment search for how to do IUI at home? because it is not easy for every infertile couple, single parent, and same-sex couple to accept that they are undergoing infertility treatment. The burden of social stigma linked with the inability to be parents by the natural method is not easy to take by everyone.

Today many people are adopting the at-home IUI kit by Subhag as an infertility treatment. Its success rate depends on how professionally it is performed by following the steps provided with the kit, and also on the infertility cause.

If you are also searching for how to do IUI at home then you can follow the following steps

Step 1 Collection of sperms

Sperms are needed for at-home IUI insemination also. Before half an hour of the initiation of the process, sperms should be collected either from the male partner or from a sperm donor. In case sperm are collected from the male partner then they should be collected in a sterile container and when taken from a sperm donor, a sperm bank can be approached.

Step 2 Tracking ovulation cycle

The treatment performed during ovulation has higher chances of success. It is best recommended to track the ovulation cycle before going for treatment. One can track the ovulation cycle using a urine test kit that measures LH levels, or by using a basal body temperature (BBT).

Step 3 Preparing the syringe

With the at-home IUI kit, you will be provided with a syringe to transfer the collected sperms into the V conceive insemination device. Before using make sure that the syringe is needless and has no air filled in it.

Step 4 The insemination process

Take the syringe and empty it by pressing the handle downwards to remove any residing air. Fill it to the top with the collected siemens. The female partner should now lie down in a position that is comfortable to her keeping her hips higher than the rest of the body. Place the V conceive insemination device inside the vagina by folding it outwards from the boundary. Keep pushing it inside gently till it touches the cervix and cannot be pushed any further. Empty the content of the syringe into the device and after this keep it static for 10 minutes to avoid any movement that can lead to spilling of siemens outside. After this, the female partner should lie down comfortably for 4 to 5 hours.

What are the most useful IUI success tips?

The most proven IUI success tips are

IUI Process

Restrain from ejaculation for three days

For a successful IUI treatment, the volume of semen and its amount is important. The male partner is advised to avoid ejaculating for three days prior to the IUI treatment. Doing so maximizes the volume of sperms ejaculated for infertility treatment. Three days’ wait is best because sperms have a life span of five days. But at the same time, it is not advised to abstain from ejaculating for more than five days as it is not in favor of IUI success tips.

Do not entertain excessive stress and anxiety

The two weeks wait after the IUI treatment is full of anxiety and stress for many people undergoing IUI treatment. The hope for a positive outcome and the fear of failure leads to sleepless nights and exhaustive days. But the truth is like the most important IUI success tip a person should remain as stress-free as possible. Having realistic expectations about the result of the treatment and remaining as positive and calm as possible throughout the treatment is of utmost importance.

Have sex after IUI

Having sex after the IUI treatment has proven to be effective. This helps in pushing sperms better as the uterus contracts during sex.

Healthy eating

Healthy eating is always advised to remain fit and to boost fertility. In IUI treatment also eating healthy is required to make sure that all the necessary nutrients needed to enhance fertility are given in the right amount to the body. Make sure that your diet consists of vegetables and fruits. Rich in healthy fats, dairy products, proteins, whole grains for fiber, and other elements. Be hydrated all the time.

Do regular exercise

A healthy lifestyle has a huge impact on fertility and also on the success of infertility treatment. Ask your infertility expert to suggest to you exercises that are not exhaustive and tiring but are good for the treatment. You can do jogging, normal walking, and practice yoga and meditation.


Though there is no scientific research behind this, acupuncture has proven to be fruitful for patients undergoing IUI treatment. It helps in the better circulation of blood that results in a better quality of eggs.

Avoid smoking

This is one of the main IUI success tips. Smoking causes a high rush of blood in veins and high blood pressure which is injurious to health. Also, the elements found in cigarettes are highly toxic which leads women to take a higher dosage of gonadotropins for ovarian stimulation.

One can always consult their infertility expert for clearing all types of doubts related to infertility treatments. Subhag infertility clinic ensures that anyone who comes with any query gets all the answers satisfactorily.


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