Top 11 Myths Related To Infertility, And What Is IUI Process?

IUI process

Society treats the topic of infertility as a taboo. There are many myths related to infertility that are existing and new ones are also being added frequently. Today infertility is as common as any other disease. But, calling infertility a disease is not correct because there are many reasons because of which people cannot get pregnant. Homosexual couples, single parents, are few such examples. A social stigma is linked to this condition which pulls people back from discussing the problems they are facing. Infertility is a curable condition for the majority of couples. Infertility myths are common among people who are uneducated and lack basic medical facilities. Basic knowledge of infertility treatments like the IUI process, IVF treatment is necessary for everyone. Below are the top myths related to infertility and IUI and their truth.

Myths Related To Top 11 Myths Related To Infertility And IUI Process?

  • Successful IUI Process Always Results In Multiple Pregnancies

Though it is common for the IUI process to result in multiple pregnancies it is not always the case. Multiple pregnancies are common in medicated IUIs because trigger shots are given to induce ovulation. This causes the maturation of more than one egg at a time that results in the fertilization of multiple eggs and finally twins, triplets, or quadruples.

  • Using Fertility Lubricants Is Enough For A Successful Pregnancy

IUI Process

This is one of the most popular myths related to infertility. Using fertility lubricants surely increases the chances of success of infertility treatments but they are not an alternative to infertility treatments. There are success stories of people conceiving after the use of lubricants but the key is not the lubricant it was the time. If lubricant was not used during that time then also it has resulted in pregnancy as it was the fertile window.

If you already have a successful pregnancy, you need not worry about the next pregnancy

There Are Two Types Of Infertility In Women

Primary Infertility

Complete lack of pregnancy even after trying to get pregnant using no protection by natural method for 12 months.

Secondary Infertility

Lack of other successful pregnancies after the first successful pregnancy.

Secondary infertility is very common in couples who have had one successful pregnancy. The first successful pregnancy is never a guarantee for further successful pregnancies.
Body conditions change with age. With the increase in age fertility decreases. Women are least fertile after the age of 35 years and the fertility of males decreases after the age of 55 years. Sometimes new health-related issues start to develop and sometimes old fertility issues start to get worse. It may also happen that because of the last pregnancy there appear complications in the subsequent pregnancies. C- section, previously taken medicines, etc are also responsible for failures of further pregnancies.

  • Lack Of Pregnancy Is Because Of Female Infertility

Infertility is a problem but calling it a problem because of factors related to female-only is not correct. Heterosexual couples who experience infertility is contributed by both male and female partner.

IUI Process

  1. Almost one-third of couples face male infertility
  2. Other one-third of couples struggle with female infertility
  3. The remaining one-third can have either male infertility issues or female infertility issues. It may also happen that the cause of infertility never gets detected.

Same-sex couples have fertility problems because of biological factors. They can never conceive naturally. For example, a lesbian couple will need a single or multiple IUI process to achieve a successful pregnancy. Others will need surrogate IVF to experience parenthood.

  • Young Men And Women Can’t Be Infertile

Fertility indeed decreases with increases in age in both males and females. But it is a common misconception that young females and males, who are in the age group of the 20s and the early 30s will not face infertility. But the truth is infertility is not a factor of age only. If a couple is unable to conceive for more than 12 months of unprotected intercourse then a doctor must be consulted. Many health conditions lead to infertility in both males and females. The majority of the conditions are present in the body by birth.

Infertility In Males Is Mainly Due To The Following Conditions

1. Undescended Testicles

During the fetal development of a male baby, the testicles in the abdomen descend into the scrotum. When this does not happen, the testicles only remain in the abdomen, called undescended testicles. If left untreated, this will cause male infertility.

2. Retrograde Ejaculation

This is when the siemens enter the bladder instead of leaving the penis. This causes dry ejaculation during orgasm.

3.Hormonal Imbalance

Low testosterone levels result in low sex drive, difficulty in erection, low semen volume during ejaculation, fatigue, and smaller testicle size. This contributes to male infertility.

4.Autoimmune disease

Having antibodies that attack sperm and destroy them. It causes the normal cells of the body to be killed.


This is a medical condition in which the veins in the scrotum become wider. This condition occurs due to defective valves in the scrotum vessels just above the testicles. It is one of the main causes of low sperm production and decreased sperm quality that causes infertility.

Infertility In Females- IUI Process Has A High Success Rate In Curing Many Female Infertility Conditions

1.Ovulation Failure

This is one of the most common causes of female infertility. It occurs in 40% of women with infertility. Lack of ovulation can occur for the following reasons:

  • Due to primary ovarian failure or polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Due to aging
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Environmental factors
2. Menstrual Cycle Problems

Irregular and no period lead to female infertility.

3. Implantation Failure

A fertilized egg should be implanted in the wall of the uterus to turn into pregnancy. But due to implantation failure, a successful pregnancy is not possible for many reasons.

4. Unusually Shaped Uterus

This can hinder the ability to lead a pregnancy because the fertilized egg is implanted only in the uterus.

5. Problems In The Structure Of The Reproductive System

Structural problems in the female reproductive system mainly include the growth of abnormal tissues in the fallopian tube.

6. Infections

Untreated infections caused by gonorrhea and chlamydia in women can lead to inflammatory diseases of the pelvis. This causes scarring that blocks the fallopian tubes.

7. Uterine Fibroids

These are growths that appear inside and around the wall of the uterus. The IUI process is useful in such cases of infertility.

8. Lack Of Mature Eggs

The eggs in the female ovary mature every month and one egg is released each month from either of the two ovaries, leading to the menstrual cycle. Mature eggs are needed for fertilization, which later leads to pregnancy.

9. Polyps

These are nano cancer growths on the inner surface of the uterus. It prevents the function of the uterus. In such cases, surgery may be useful.

Other causes of female infertility are Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Autoimmune disease, uterine fibroids, and primary ovarian failure. IUI process is done in all of these conditions to improve the chances of a successful pregnancy.

  • A Man’s Fertility Is Intact If He Can Ejaculate

It is a common belief that if a man can ejaculate normally then he cannot have any fertility issues. Male fertility is not only related to ejaculation but to the quality and quantity of sperms, their shape, size, movement, the proper functioning of the sex organs, and many other factors also.


in this condition there is zero sperm presence in the ejaculation. It is a serious male infertility condition because ejaculated semen appears to be perfectly normal and is only detected during sperm analysis.

The most common causes of azoospermia include:
  1. Congenital anomalies of the male reproductive tract
  2. Genetic disorders
  3. Obstruction of the seminal tracts

It can also occur after testicular cancer treatment and untreated sexually transmitted diseases.


It is the condition when with ejaculation there is no semen, and no sperms released. It may happen due to several causes like retrograde ejaculation, a genetic disorder, congenital abnormalities of the reproductive tract, hormonal imbalance, diabetes, post-testicular cancer treatment, or severe sexual dysfunction.


This is the condition when the ejaculation is not in the proper amount. A normal ejaculation amount is 1.5 milliliters of fluid. This is caused mainly due to retrograde ejaculation.


it is the condition in which there is low sperm count in the ejaculation. Due to this, other fertility issues also develop like sperm movement and sperm shape. Environmental conditions, exposures related to workplaces, and lifestyle choices are a few of the many reasons for low sperm count. For example, smoking, obesity, toxic chemical exposure at work, or recreational drug and alcohol are the main reasons for reduced sperm counts. In few cases changing lifestyles can improve fertility.

Fertility treatments like the IUI process and other assisted reproductive treatments(ART) help cure this condition.


The condition in which a large percentage of sperm motility is not normal. Fewer than 5 million motile sperm would be considered too severe male infertility, sperm motility between 5 to 20 million would be moderately infertile, and over 20 million motile sperm would be considered normal.

Possible causes of poor sperm motility include:

a.Excessive alcohol intake
b.Exposure to toxins
d.Poor nutrition
e.Recreational drug use
g.Some medications

Other causes of male infertility with normal ejaculation are Teratozoospermia, Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (OAT), Necrozoospermia, and Leukocytospermia.

  • By Adoption, You Will  Be Relaxed And Can Conceive Easily

Adoption is a way to experience parenthood, it is a good alternate for couples who do not want to repeat the IUI process or any other infertility treatment. But, it is not a fertility drug that can increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. After adoption, the gap that is created because of the lack of a baby is filled in the lives of the couples. This frees them from the burden of being childless. With this comes relaxation from the societal pressure, family pressure, and emotional and mental relief. It may happen that because of the new positivity in life body supports successful pregnancy. But adoption is never a guarantee of a successful pregnancy.

  • Cough Medicines Have The Potential To Get You Pregnant

It has been believed for a long time that cough syrup can improve infertility. The theory behind it is- Expectorants like guaifenesin work by thinning secreted mucus. Cervical mucus is an important part of a woman’s fertility, and in some women, it may or may not be much denser than usual. By taking guaifenesin, you can improve the quality of cervical mucus secretion and fertility.

The only problem is it is only a myth. There is no evidence that cough syrup improves your cervical mucus enough to make it easier for you to get pregnant.

Plus, infertility is often more complicated than just a cervical mucus problem. If there is a problem with cervical fluid, it is likely a symptom of underlying fertility problems that will be more complicated to deal with.

Can you try a cough syrup? Probably not, but maybe. Some cold medicines contain medicines that should not be taken while pregnant or trying to become pregnant.

People Cannot Overcome Infertility Without IVF

IUI Process

IUI process, IVF, test-tube baby, and other infertility treatments are needed to improve the chances of pregnancy but are never guaranteed to always result in successful pregnancies. Infertility is defined as a lack of successful pregnancy by natural method for 12 months or more without any protection. People seek infertility treatments to increase the chances of their conceiving but it depends on the cause of infertility that can be cured by that treatment. IVF is not the only option for infertile couples as many believe by many. IUI process is recommended by the majority of infertility experts before opting for IVF if the conditions are favorable. IUI process is cheaper, less painful, less time-consuming, and less- medicated as compared to IVF. There are many success stories of couples who have opted for the IUI process and not went for IVF. IVF is most suitable for homosexual couples, and couples who have tried 5 to 6 cycles of IUI but faced failure only.

  • Herbs And Supplements Are Harmless, Ways To Increase Fertility

Just as various books and websites claim that special diets help you conceive, there are information sources that claim that special herbs, natural remedies, or supplements enhance your fertility.
Is there any truth to these claims? Some supplements can increase fertility, but not enough to cure the real fertility problem. But if you are going to try something new, are you sure it is harmless? Here the situation is complicated.

Natural does not mean harmless. In some cases, natural treatment is harmless. In other cases, they may interact with other drugs. Vitamins and minerals that are good for us in the right doses can be harmful and even deadly if you take too much. Herbal medicines can be as powerful as prescription medicines.

The government also does not regulate natural supplements. This means that a bottle may say it contains one thing, but it contains something else.

Always consult your doctor about any herbs or supplements you take, even if they are “natural” and you are sure that they are harmless.

  • Clomid is magical medicine, it results in successful pregnancies

Clomid is not a magic fertility potion that helps someone get pregnant faster. Clomid can reduce some aspects of fertility. Clomid reduces the fertile quality of cervical mucus. This makes cervical fluids more sticky and less abundant.

Cervical mucus helps sperm to survive and swim from the cervix up into the reproductive system. Clomid can also thin the lining of the uterus, especially if repeated cycle after cycle is used. If you have not had problems that require Clomid and are taking it, you have not improved your fertility. You don’t want to waste time or be exposed to fertility drugs that can’t work because there are other problems. Clomid when prescribed by an infertility expert during the IUI process should be taken to increase its success rate.

  • IVF Has A 100% Success Rate For All Ages

People postponed having children for various reasons. No one should rush with children unless they are ready, but age is an important factor to consider.

There is a common misconception that if age-related infertility occurs, you can always do IVF. Things are not that simple. Just as your natural fertility decreases with age, so do your chances of success in IVF treatment.

IUI process

Women may choose to use an IVF donor egg if parenting is prevented by age-related infertility. But donor eggs are an expensive choice and it is not a path that every couple would be interested in. Also, no infertility expert will ever suggest going for IVF before the IUI process if infertility reasons can be cured by the latter.

IUI process involves inseminating the sperms artificially into the woman’s uterus. This is done using a speculum and catheter. An infertility expert will place a speculum inside the vagina, insert a small catheter through the cervix into the uterine cavity, and inject the washed sperms into the uterus. The sperms are collected from the male partner freshly or are taken from a sperm bank. At Subhag infertility clinic, myths are busted and only true advice is given to every person which is 100% scientifically proven.


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